Saturday, September 6, 2014

Vinik, Lightning Donate $25,000 to Greenlight Campaign

Following the lead of the Bucs and the Rays, who each donated $25,000 to the Friends of Greenlight political committee, the Lightning & owner Jeffrey Vinik recently made a similar donation, according to records filed with the Pinellas County Supervispr of Elections Office:

The group, which has raised the better part of a million dollars so far, supports this November's transit referendum in Pinellas County.


  1. A small investment on their part to possibly land more customers at their doorstep as well as boosting the politicians who can help their fleecing of the customers.
    I've been a passenger on several of the light rail boondoggles and have never seen a full train at any time.

    1. For what it's worth, I've been on full light rail trains in New York, Boston, DC, Chicago, Phoenix, Denver, and Seattle, just to name a few...

  2. So Vinik states today " Vinik acquired the lot in 2010 when he bought the Tampa Bay Lightning, and he has since amassed 24 acres around the arena, plus the Channelside Bay Plaza shopping center. He has said he will soon unveil a master plan for his holdings.", now don't you think he already has the "master plan" drawn up? Of course, BUT he won't tell us, especially not the media!
    So let's not be gullible and believe that they know what their plans are as a whole, because you don't spend a billion or so on an area, and wing it!

    1. So when he finally unveils his master plan at a press conference and it includes retail, commercial, and hotel plans - but not baseball - will you finally stop claiming you know more than everyone else on the topic?
