Sunday, September 24, 2017

A Few Items Worth Reading...

It's always easy for guys who aren't going to pay for a stadium to suggest someone should buy the Rays a new stadium...which Joe Maddon did this past week, as Chris Archer expressed his displeasure with the home crowd.

It wasn't the first time...but a couple columns the reactions prompted are among the Sunday Night reading list links worth a few minutes of your time:
  1. Tom Jones: Tampa Bay Just Doesn't Have Enough Tampa Bay Sports Fans (he's right)
  2. Joe Henderson: Tampa is a Better Location for a New Rays Stadium (obviously...except the financing)
  3. Martin Fennelly: USF thrashes Temple to stay unbeaten; too bad not many saw it in person (true - far fewer than 20,000 butts in seats)
  4. Twitter: "USF Crowd Shots" account (USF will say a new stadium will fix this, but tough to commit to new stadium without crowds)
  5. Robert Trigaux: Tampa Bay household income tops $50,000 (that's 25th out of 25 major US cities, and it shows how the market gets stretched thin for entertainment dollars)

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  1. Lol, "thrashes Temple", "not many saw it".

  2. Is there really any doubt that The Rays are moving to Ybor?

    1. Only among people who recognize there's no clear way how to pay for it.
