Sunday, August 29, 2010

If Only Bucs Fans Cared This Much...

If only Bucs fans cared about their team as much as Manchester United fans did...Saturday night's game wouldn't have been blacked-out.

While the Buccaneers struggled with attendance again in their preseaaon tilt against the Jaguars, possibly drawing fewer fans than the Rays (36,973) for the first time ever, rabid soccer fans across the Atlantic continue to delve into the finances of the family that owns the Bucs.

Brit Andy Green has made it his side job to rip apart the Glazers for allegedly using Man U as "their personal piggy bank." He cites some of their property loans which have recently gone delinquent as well as massive interest payments on the loans the family used to buy the soccer team, the most valuable sports franchise in the world.

The Glazers remain typically quiet on the issue, and the Tampa Tribune says Green "doesn't appear to be giving the Glazers the benefit of the doubt." Many of the Glazers' delinquent loans on U.S. shopping centers aren't more than a month late yet.

But regardless of what happens to those questionable loans, you can expect to hear lots more about the family's finances in upcoming months as long as die-hards like Green are unhappy with how Man U is run.

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