Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Top Tweets from Today's Pinellas County Toytown Discussions

This morning, Pinellas County discussed the three - make that now two - bids on the table for redevelopment of the county's Toytown landfill. The headlines were all about the Braves vs. Rays - and the $11.7 million (?!) dollars each year the Braves project could be looking for.

Here are some of the top takeaways:
There was no vote today, only discussion.

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  1. In french we say: "Ça passe ou ça casse!". Make it or break it situation.

    If Sternberg (and MLB) said the situation is unsustainable, I think the whole TB region politicians and stakeholders now think (and say) that the word "unsustainable" is not enough.

    This tweet from Charlie Frago is probably the best one: ""I don't want to keep flying in the dark" says #Pinellas commissioner Dave Eggers. Wants county to start talks with Rays on admin level."

    Does St-Pete council members will be able to cope with the pressure or not?

    Does Sternberg will negotiate a new MOU with more concessions now that the pressure is no longer on his shoulders?

  2. Unfortunately, for the poor Alouettes, no team will be planing in Montreal. You can take that to the bank!

  3. All talk while the Rays are in action off-the-grid! Whatever keeps the dogs off the trail...
