Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Minnesota Pushes for More Electoric Gambling to Pay for Stadium

Move over, Crystal Pepsi and George Bush's "Mission Accomplished" banner - you have a new counterpart in the Hall of Awful Ideas.

Because Minnesota's new e-gambling isn't generating enough revenue to pay for the new Vikings Stadium and the stadium isn't supposed to cost any general revenue dollars, the state is turning to Plan B: a statewide tour encouraging more gambling!

The money won't just benefit a stadium; e-gambling benefits charities too.  That's why the nine-city tour will be under the umbrella of Allied Charities.

I know what you're thinking.  Why push Minnesoteans to gamble more so you can pay for a new stadium when you could just charge the sports fans who go via a ticket tax?  Or all Minnesoteans via a small tax increase?

However, I have a better question: how ironic is it that Minnesota is encouraging more "e-gambling" via the Allied Charities when a group called the Allied Veterans (no relation) was busted in Florida for taking advantage of charity e-gambling?

1 comment:

  1. if we can only get the people of Tampa's Hard Rock casino to put up the money for a new ballpark...
