Wednesday, December 10, 2014

DELAYED! Kriseman, Rays Push Stadium Decision Off One Week to Secure Votes

Every St. Pete insider knew Mayor Kriseman's controversial plan to let the Rays explore stadium sites across the bay in Tampa would meet some resistance in City Council.  Especially with former mayor Bill Foster lobbying councilmembers to vote "no" over concerns of weakening the city's ironclad contract.

Yesterday, we broke the news of several councilmembers leaning toward "no" votes...which led me to tweet this:
It also led Rays executives to lobby councilmembers today on the deal:
But sure enough, as the Tampa Bay Times first reported, tomorrow's vote has been delayed a week so Kriseman "can make sure that council had time to get comfortable" with the MOU.

Hooray!  Eight more days of speculation and giant headlines!

UPDATE: The Times editorial board has a quick response to the delay {link to site}, once again taking the opportunity to slam former mayor Bill Foster.  It's anything but their first time.  But they also seemed to put council on notice that a vote against the agreement may be a consequential shot across the bow of the editorial board too.

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